The pie shop's mixer won't stop mixing! Pip and Kit have to find their way through the pie-filling to stop it.Using the world's largest known database of writing for and by children, our experts have defined 300 ambitious words to help children succeed at school. We've combined these with fully-decodable books that help you match your phonics teaching and practice, while inspiring and engaging your young readers. Specially developed to enhance children's vocabulary alongside their decoding skills, these books are perfect for sharing.
The pie shop's mixer won't stop mixing! Pip and Kit have to find their way through the pie-filling to stop it.Using the world's largest known database of writing for and by children, our experts have defined 300 ambitious words to help children succeed at school. We've combined these with fully-decodable books that help you match your phonics teaching and practice, while inspiring and engaging your young readers. Specially developed to enhance children's vocabulary alongside their decoding skills, these books are perfect for sharing.